Ashley Conway Ashley Conway

2024 Individual Quarterfinals: The Brief

The overall take is this: “They are what we thought they were.” (If you don’t get it, youtube Dennis Greene, coach of the Arizona cardinals years ago. He’s at a press conference talking about the Bears, it’s a classic).

The overall take is this: “They are what we thought they were.” (If you don’t get it, youtube Dennis Greene, coach of the Arizona cardinals years ago. He’s at a press conference talking about the Bears, it’s a classic).

Yes folks, anyone who wants to criticize or whine or complain about what is being tested in the 4 individual workouts this year simply hasn’t been paying attention. We’ve been warned, we’ve been teased and we’ve been quite able to predict the way the tests would play out. So much so, in fact, that if you are following TTRU Fitness TTRU Competitor you have literally done a version of each of these tests in the last 4-6 weeks through quarters prep. Bottom line is that we are getting all aspects of fitness tied into this, but not testing strength the way the meat heads really enjoy it, boo hoo. Get fitter. Strength endurance is essential and for YEARS in our sport whether you like it or not, it was a prerequisite before you got to tout and show off your big guns with a 1rm of anything. Know your history, respect the game. 

Order of operations 

When it comes to preferred order of attack, this is different for everyone. But generally my suggestion would be to attack with something similar to this. 

Workout 3: It will fatigue your arms and blow up your midline but legs will feel fine and ready to go. 

Workout 4: This will typically be a great workout to start with due to its explosive nature, but due to the other tests and also considering that most athletes perform better at tests like this after feeling more relaxed so they don’t “mispace” it, I suggest this test 2nd. 

Workout 1: Shout out to all the tall homies out there, you’ll like this one. Due to the fatigue that will be built snatching and rowing, the step ups can lend themselves as a natural advantage to taller athletes with bigger engines. And the amount of fatigue build here will be significant but mostly in the glutes and low back. One of the biggest limiters here may be grip fatigue, hook grip the dumbbells. 

Workout 2: I think Dave and Adrian just hate ya’ll, well us. This is brutal. There are many different ways to attack this for the masses, but for the tip of the spear you need to keep moving. The burpee box jump over volume with the amount of wallballs may leave many people with skinned shins or flipping over boxes due to built up leg fatigue that they didn’t expect. This one should be saved for last if you are attacking these from Wednesday afternoon on because it still allows you to do 1 workout a day and finish before Saturday evening, easy. 

Plan of attack: 

Workout 1: This is going to be grippy. Be smart. Singles are a must, steady on the step ups and separation CAN happen on the rower. Unlike Fight Gone Bad, there will be separation that happens on the rower and all 3 of these movements matter. You basically are fit enough to execute this at a high level and stay in the pain cave or you simply are not. I like this test, because it tests the most fundamental aspects of our fitness. 

Workout 2: Pain. Discomfort. Accuracy. Coordination while fatigued. Mental capacity to stay focused on 1 thing at a time for a long time. Those are all aspects that are important to be successful here. Aim small to hit small, this means you need to focus on making all your wallballs count. If you are female and you train under me at TTRU in any capacity you’ll destroy this, we do no wallballs at 9ft anymore–that’s so 2014. The big separator here is breathing control. Can you tolerate making your body do a burpee then box jump and step down for that long and still remain in control of your breath and overall fatigue while mixing in Karen? That is the test, the burpee cadence. Find a rhythm and stick to it, don’t get caught up in losing or winning round 1. The deciding round will be the latter of 2 and into 3. 

Workout 3: Break it up early and often. For the masses this is no race through the end but to the ring muscle ups. Then if you get some reps you’ll be able to do lots of separating. When it comes to the Semi hopefuls you’ll need to think back to last year’s rope climb even from quarters. Remember how most of the workout was spent on the last movement? Well rope climbs are in this workout but they are simply a place you can lose a lot of time or blow yourself up so your ring muscle ups suck. You need to navigate your limiter so that if you can finish this workout, you are getting to rings as fresh as possible. The foreign feeling of climbing rope before doing ring muscle ups will limit many in their first attempt. This is the easier workout to repeat, it’s worth giving it a stab early in the week to run it back a time or two. 

Workout 4: Strength endurance. Don’t go fast out the gate, go steady. Sure up all your reps so they prime you for the next heavier bar. If you are the masses you need to know it’s going to feel heavy from rep 1 of the 3rd bar. And if you are a Semi hopeful, you need to know this is like a bear fight with 245/165lb. You will get there and not feel bad, and that feeling will change quickly after about 6-8 reps of the load being done. But this is where you have to settle in and hold yourself accountable to a cadence or count to keep you on the pace you want to get the score you want. Without it you will listen to your body too much and find yourself settling into a slow pace that feels justifiable only to look back and wish you would have forced the issue a bit more. No touch and go people, it’s dumb.

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Ashley Conway Ashley Conway

New Aesthetics Cycle

On April 22nd we are launching a new 5 Day “Gains” split cycle in the TTRU Aesthetics program!

On April 22nd we are launching a new 5 Day “Gains” split cycle in the TTRU Aesthetics program!

Click Here to join “All Access” and get the body building aesthetic look you desire without all the fancy “gym” equipment. We will be putting functional aesthetic training to the test as this is our usual style in this program. If you have a home gym, you have what you need. 

Training to expect?

Monday - Lower body + Core

Tuesday - Upper body + Intervals

Wednesday - Cardio (Long slow of your choice + core)

Thursday - Lower body + Core

Friday - Upper body + Intervals

Saturday - Total body accessories (shorter session, lower intensity)

Gains to expect?

All of them. Just kidding, but seriously. This will be a 6 week challenging cycle that will highlight building local muscle stamina and some pretty mean pumps due to the superset nature of the program (back and forth between opposing movement functions). We will also enhance your overall work capacity through the minimal rest between movements, you’ll feel your heart rate increase specifically on lower body days even more than upper days. The advantage to this style of training is overall increase in cardio respiratory fitness, keeps you moving so it burns more fat/calories and enhances local muscle endurance. This cycle lays a foundation that will help you get STRONGER in cycles to come through the ability to handle what is considered “heavy” for you during more consecutive sets! 

Join for 7 days free of ALL ACCESS HERE

Equipment used: 

  • Barbell

  • Bench

  • Pull up rig

  • Bands

  • Dumbbells

  • Ergs (bike, rower, ski, treadmill/flat ground)

    *If you have no erg, the ability to go out and walk or run is great

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Ashley Conway Ashley Conway

Do This More, Lose More Fat!

In a world that glorifies productivity and hustle, the importance of sleep often gets overlooked. Yet, sleep is not merely a period of rest; it is a fundamental pillar of our health and well-being. The benefits of a good night's sleep extend far beyond feeling refreshed in the morning. Let's delve into the profound impact sleep has on our brains, hormones, body composition, and overall performance.

In a world that glorifies productivity and hustle, the importance of sleep often gets overlooked. Yet, sleep is not merely a period of rest; it is a fundamental pillar of our health and well-being. The benefits of a good night's sleep extend far beyond feeling refreshed in the morning. Let's delve into the profound impact sleep has on our brains, hormones, body composition, and overall performance.

The brain on sleep
During sleep, our brains undergo crucial processes that enhance cognitive function, memory consolidation, and emotional regulation. It's during this downtime that our brains declutter and organize information gathered throughout the day. Adequate sleep fosters creativity, problem-solving abilities, and decision-making skills. Moreover, it plays a pivotal role in mood regulation, reducing the risk of anxiety and depression.

Sleeping on hormones
Sleep and hormones share a complex relationship. Melatonin, often referred to as the sleep hormone, regulates our sleep-wake cycle, ensuring restorative rest. Conversely, inadequate sleep disrupts the balance of hormones like cortisol, insulin, and leptin, which regulate metabolism, appetite, and stress response. Chronic sleep deprivation can lead to insulin resistance, increased appetite, and heightened stress levels, predisposing individuals to weight gain, metabolic disorders, and compromised immune function.

Excess fat’s enemy
For those striving for fat loss or muscle gain, sleep is a non-negotiable component of success. Quality sleep enhances metabolic efficiency, promoting fat burning and preserving lean muscle mass. Growth hormone, crucial for muscle repair and growth, peaks during deep sleep stages. Conversely, sleep deprivation impairs glucose metabolism and increases the risk of muscle breakdown. Furthermore, adequate sleep regulates appetite hormones, curbing cravings and promoting healthier food choices.

How to sleep 101
Creating an optimal sleep environment is essential for maximizing sleep quality. This includes maintaining a cool, dark, and quiet bedroom, investing in a comfortable mattress and pillows, and establishing a consistent bedtime routine. Additionally, limiting screen time before bed and avoiding stimulants like caffeine and alcohol can facilitate the transition into restful sleep.

Do it again, and again….
Consistency is key when it comes to reaping the benefits of sleep. Establishing a regular sleep schedule helps synchronize our internal body clock, promoting a smoother transition between sleep cycles. This means aiming for the recommended 7-9 hours of sleep per night and prioritizing sleep even on weekends. By maintaining a consistent sleep routine, we can optimize our body's natural sleep-wake rhythm and reap the rewards of restorative rest.

You’re human, you need more of it
Whether you're an athlete striving for peak performance, a professional aiming for success, or simply seeking happiness and optimal health, sleep should be a top priority. No aspect of life remains untouched by the profound influence of quality sleep. By recognizing and honoring the importance of sleep, we can unlock our full potential, achieve our goals, and lead healthier, happier lives.

In conclusion, let's embrace the power of sleep as a cornerstone of our well-being. By prioritizing quality sleep, we can nurture our brains, balance our hormones, optimize our metabolism, and enhance our overall performance. Remember, in the pursuit of greatness, happiness, or health, quality sleep is the foundation upon which success is built.

We are onboarding 1:1 clients right now who are looking to achieve more in their day to day life or performance!

Click here to schedule an appointment with us today.

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Ashley Conway Ashley Conway

Carbs vs. Fats: Which Side Are You On?

In the realm of nutrition, the ongoing debate between carb-favorable and fat-favorable diets has sparked curiosity and confusion among health-conscious individuals seeking the perfect balance for their bodies. The crux of this discussion often revolves around finding a nutritional approach that not only supports a caloric deficit but also resonates with personal food preferences and, for many, performance goals.

In the realm of nutrition, the ongoing debate between carb-favorable and fat-favorable diets has sparked curiosity and confusion among health-conscious individuals seeking the perfect balance for their bodies. The crux of this discussion often revolves around finding a nutritional approach that not only supports a caloric deficit but also resonates with personal food preferences and, for many, performance goals.

Balancing macronutrients—carbohydrates, fats, and proteins—is a fundamental aspect of designing an effective dietary plan. While a balanced approach is feasible, many individuals tend to gravitate towards either a carb-favorable or fat-favorable regimen based on their inclinations and physiological responses to certain foods.

Those who lean towards carbohydrate preference often find energy and satisfaction in foods like grains, fruits, and starchy vegetables. Conversely, individuals favoring fats may relish avocados, nuts, and oils for satiety and flavor. Understanding these preferences is crucial as it enables a person to adhere more effortlessly to their dietary plan, deriving fulfillment from their food choices.

However, the discussion transcends mere preference when performance factors into the equation. Activities demanding bursts of energy, like power training, sprints, or CrossFit, often benefit from a denser carbohydrate intake. In such cases, a person's natural preference might need to yield to the demands of their chosen physical activity.

When aiming to operate in a slight caloric deficit while still enhancing performance and potentially building lean body mass, finding the right balance between carbohydrates and protein becomes pivotal. Athletes or clients in this scenario may need to moderate their fat intake, regardless of their inherent preferences, to optimize their nutrition for their specific goals.

For these individuals, the emphasis shifts towards an appropriate balance of carbohydrates to fuel their activities and protein to aid in muscle repair and growth. In this context, managing fat intake becomes strategic, aligning more with the body's functional needs rather than personal taste.

Ultimately, the ideal dietary approach for someone in a caloric deficit hinges on a delicate balance between personal food preferences, performance requirements, and the pursuit of specific fitness goals. While it's possible to maintain a balanced macronutrient plan, understanding one's body, its response to different macronutrients, and the demands of specific activities is key to optimizing both nutrition and performance. Achieving this balance ensures that individuals can enjoy their food choices while supporting their body's needs, whether it's powering through intense workouts or maintaining a lean physique.

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Ashley Conway Ashley Conway

Crossfit Open 24.3 Tips

CrossFit Open Workout 24.3 has arrived, and with it, a strategic approach is more critical than ever. This workout demands not only physical prowess, but also a keen understanding of pacing and personal limits. Let's delve into the key insights from this challenging workout and how you can tackle it with finesse.

CrossFit Open Workout 24.3 has arrived, and with it, a strategic approach is more critical than ever. This workout demands not only physical prowess, but also a keen understanding of pacing and personal limits. Let's delve into the key insights from this challenging workout and how you can tackle it with finesse.

Pacing through the trap
One of the most significant takeaways from observing athletes tackle Workout 24.3 is the importance of pacing, especially in the early stages. Even for seasoned athletes, pacing can make or break their performance. Take a cue from Roman, who wisely maintained a slower, smoother pace in the initial part of the workout, subsequently making up ground in the latter stages.

Break em early, make em late
When it comes to gymnastics movements like chest-to-bar pull-ups, breaking them up early is not just a suggestion; it's a necessity. Opting for sets of 5 or even fewer reps can prevent early fatigue and set you up for success later on. The allure of going unbroken on these movements might seem tempting, but it's often a trap that leads to burnout.

Big on barbell
While gymnastics movements require strategic breaks, the same doesn't necessarily apply to barbell movements like thrusters. Aim to keep your thrusters unbroken if possible, as breaking them up will only cost you unnecessary time, especially considering the time it takes to reset from ground-originated movements.

Do the math
Part two of the workout introduces additional challenges, compounded by the fatigue accumulated from part one. It's crucial to factor in this fatigue when pacing yourself from the start. With 50 thrusters and 50 chest-to-bar pull-ups preceding the bar muscle-ups, managing fatigue becomes paramount.

Strategic Approach to Part Two
As you transition to part two of the workout, prioritize pacing to ensure you can tackle the bar muscle-ups effectively. This means considering not just the immediate set of reps, but also the rounds to come. While it might be tempting to go unbroken early on, it's essential to conserve energy for the later rounds. As the clock winds down and there are only a couple of rounds left, you have the green light to ramp up the intensity. However, toe the line carefully and avoid pushing too close to failure. Remember, slow and smooth is fast in this workout, so maintain control even as you increase your pace.

Preparation is key, but see beyond this workout
Before diving into Workout 24.3, ensure your body is primed and ready. Follow a comprehensive warm-up routine to prepare your legs, grip, and lungs for the task ahead. Additionally, pay close attention to hand care, especially considering the volume of chest-to-bar pull-ups and bar muscle-ups involved. For those eyeing advancement, it's essential to strike a balance between pushing limits and preventing hand tears. While it's time to reload after this week, be mindful of avoiding debilitating tears that could hinder your training. Remember, there are plenty of gains still to be made beyond the Open.

Qualification Matters
If you find yourself on the brink of qualifying for the quarterfinals, now is not the time for hesitation. Push past mental barriers and push your body to its limits. The 15-minute time cap may seem generous, but it will test the mettle of even the most seasoned athletes.

CrossFit Open Workout 24.3 demands a strategic blend of pacing, efficiency, and mental fortitude. By using these key strategies and embracing controlled intensity, you can navigate this beast of a workout with confidence and finesse.

- Coach Conway

24.3 Warm Up


Tissue prep: 

- 1:00 Couch stretch each leg

- 1:00 pigeon each leg

- 1:00 banded lat stretch each arm

- 1:00 overhead tricep stretch each arm (kneeling, butt on heels)


3-5 minutes bike or row


5 hip down push ups

3 inch worm

6 spiderman + twist

8 Scorpion

3 rounds


10 kipping swings

10 lunges 

5 Push Up

5 Air Squat

2 rounds


3 Front Squat

3 Push Press

3 Thruster

3-5 pull up/ chest to bar (kip/ prep butterfly/ scaled version)

3 rounds empty barbell


Build bar to workout weight


4 rounds of:

5 thruster (1st weight for 2 rounds, 1:00 rest, 2 rounds at 2nd weight)

5 Chest to bar pull up (2 rounds)/ 2 rounds of 1-3 bar muscle ups)


If long time to stage for your heat, hit a couple “surge” sprints on the echo/ assault bike to keep heart rate up and keep legs primed. 


All for time: 

5 rounds of:     

    10 thrusters, weight 1

  10 chest-to-bar pull-ups 

Rest 1 minute, then:

5 rounds of: 

    7 thrusters, weight 2

    7 bar muscle-ups 

Time cap: 15 minutes
♀ 65, 95 lb (29, 43 kg)
♂ 95, 135 lb (43, 61 kg)


All for time: 

5 rounds of: 

    10 thrusters, weight 1

    10 jumping chest-to-bar pull-ups 

Rest 1 minute, then:

5 rounds of: 

    7 thrusters, weight 2

    7 chin-over-bar pull-ups

Time cap: 15 minutes
♀ 45 lb, 65 lb (20, 29 kg)
♂ 65 lb, 95 lb (29, 43 kg)


All for time:

 5 rounds of: 

    10 thrusters with a stick, weight 1

    10 bent-over rows, weight 2

Rest 1 minute, then:

5 rounds of: 

    7 thrusters, weight 2

    7 push-ups 

Time cap: 15 minutes
♀ stick (weight 1), 35 lb/15 kg (weight 2)*
♂ stick (weight 1), 45 lb/20 kg (weight 2)*

*The load is a suggested starting point. If you are completing all the tests in the Foundations division, you are free to decrease or increase the load as your skill level allows.

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Ashley Conway Ashley Conway

Crossfit Open 24.2 Tips

Alright ladies and gentlemen! 24.2 of the CrossFit Games open has been announced!

Unfortunately for some of you, the movement patterns that will be asked of you are very similar to last week. We are rowing, we are hinging, and in the form of a deadlift, and we are spinning that rope for double unders this week. The overall approach here needs to be similar to putting your hand in warm water.

Alright ladies and gentlemen! 24.2 of the CrossFit Games open has been announced!

Unfortunately for some of you, the movement patterns that will be asked of you are very similar to last week. We are rowing, we are hinging, and in the form of a deadlift, and we are spinning that rope for double unders this week. The overall approach here needs to be similar to putting your hand in warm water. When you pace this workout appropriately, the water will steadily heat and steadily build in intensity and finally, within that last 5 minute window, you will be completely uncomfortable but able to hold on and withstand the heat that has been created from your pace and your execution thus far. The biggest mistake in this workout that we can expect will be that people step into water too hot! That means that they'll grow too fast, transition too quickly, their pace will falter and their double unders will fall to pieces in the middle of the workout–causing them more time and more energy and an overall poor output. Don't be that person! Be the person who paces just right and then, in the latter five minutes, looks back saying I hit a home run! 

Pacing the row is going to take a lot of self-awareness. Elite level athletes will pace between a 1 minute and 40 second per 500 split to a 1 minute and 50 second per 500 split with the female window being 5 to 10 seconds slower than that. The key thing to understand in pacing the row is that although it takes a tremendous amount of energy to speed up the ropes by 10 seconds, the reward is not as big in regards to overall time saved in transitions in the workout. So you really must make some hard choices on the pace you will start with and navigate how to dictate that pace in the later rounds–of course, coupling and considering the deadlifts and the double-unders.

For elite level athletes, the deadlifts don't just need to be done unbroken, but they need to be done at an extremely fast pace with well executed techniques so that they get no reps taken away by standing all the way up every repetition. The everyday athlete may be in a crux and be forced to choose whether they want to break them up into sets of 5-6-4 or 4-3-3. The key on cycling the barbell needs to be on what is tolerable for you for the long run. Again, just because you can does not mean that you should when it comes to making choices, especially in a workout that goes beyond 15 minutes. It is important to think far out in the time domain so that you can be prepared for the fatigue that will build through the intensity that you put forth. When it comes to double unders, if it is something that you struggle with or are still learning to master, it is strongly encouraged to plan when and how to break up the reps of 50. This means that some people will opt to take a break halfway intentionally and then finish the reps. This could also mean that some people intentionally choose to break their sets into 5 sets of 10 reps.

The elites will choose to go unbroken, but what we didn't see from Colten Mertens and Justin Medeiros was grip fatigue that will hit the vast majority of us–and that will affect how we spin the rope. We often take for granted watching elite athletes execute any workout, especially as smoothly as these two men did, and forget that there is hidden fatigue that exists and lies on the other side of the fence for us mere mortals. Plan for your grip to be fatigued and plan for this to force you to jump slightly higher and spin the ropes slightly slower than you do early in the workout. When you plan for this and understand what is happening, it will help you adapt on the fly and continue to hold your pace.

24.2 is a workout that can be repeated, but I'm not sure that it is necessary to complete it all the way for 20 minutes and then repeat again. I think a smart choice if you want to demo part of this workout, is to experience 8 to 12 minutes, understand how your pacing slows and what changes or even how the rope responds to the sets that you choose and the pace that you choose on the rower and then take a full run at it after having that practice under your belt (if you are someone who prefers to run through the workouts more than once). The greatest overlooked aspect of this 20-minute test is the focus that it will take to have a high score. There will be several transitions and those are simply opportunities to either gain time or lose time. If you move without intention from the rower to the barbell, or from the barbell to the rope, and most importantly from the rope to the rower, you will lose precious time that accumulates and your score will not match the fitness capacity that you just made the effort to show. Be sure to get the body prepped and warm–especially the posterior chain, glutes, hamstrings and lower back prior to taking a shot at this long open test.

Tissue prep/ static stretching: 

1:00 foam roll low + mid back

1:00 quad smash each leg

1:00 hamstring smash each leg

1:00 glute smash each leg

1:00 forearm smash (foam roller against wall, arm behind back against foam roller) each


1:00 Couch stretch each leg

1:00 Pigeon stretch each leg

1:00 forearm stretch

(Dynamic) Warm Up: 

20 Jumping jack

10 Toe touch + reach overhead

3 rounds


3 Inch worm

6 Scorpion

8 Spiderman

20-30 Double Unders

3 rounds


100m Row

5 Light to moderate deads (build each round to load for 24.2)

10-30 Double Unders

3 rounds not for time but quality and practice


This is where you want to attack just like you will in the test! Focus on fast transitions and pacing on each movement as you must maximize downtime. It will allow you to select a more casual / sustainable pace on the rower. 


150m row at intended WOD pace

6 Deadlifts

25 Double Under (or scale)

2 rounds for time.

Rest 3:00-5:00

Go time!


As many rounds and reps as possible in 20 minutes of:

300-meter row
10 deadlifts 
50 double-unders

♀ 125 lb (56 kg)
♂ 185 lb (83 kg)


As many rounds and reps as possible in 20 minutes of:

300-meter row
10 deadlifts 
50 double-unders/single-unders

♀ 95 lb (56 kg)
♂ 135 lb (83 kg)


As many rounds and reps as possible in 20 minutes of:

150-meter row
10 deadlifts 
30 single-unders

♀ 55 lb (56 kg)
♂ 75 lb (83 kg)

Cool Down: 

10:00 easy bike or Walk

Foam roll: 

  • Low back

  • Glutes

  • Quads

  • Hamstrings

  • Forearms

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Ashley Conway Ashley Conway

Honey for the Money: A Sweet Solution for Increased Performance

In the world of athletics, where performance is paramount, fueling the body with the right energy source can make all the difference. While traditional added sugars and carbohydrates have long been the go-to for quick energy boosts, there's a golden alternative that not only provides energy but also offers a plethora of health benefits – honey.

In the world of athletics, where performance is paramount, fueling the body with the right energy source can make all the difference. While traditional added sugars and carbohydrates have long been the go-to for quick energy boosts, there's a golden alternative that not only provides energy but also offers a plethora of health benefits – honey.

Honey has been revered for centuries for its natural sweetness and medicinal properties, but its benefits extend far beyond just satisfying a sweet tooth. When it comes to fueling athletic performance, honey emerges as a superior choice compared to other forms of carbohydrates. Here's why:

Sustainable Energy Source:
Honey is a carbohydrate-rich natural sweetener that contains a blend of glucose and fructose, two simple sugars that are easily absorbed by the body. Unlike refined sugars that can cause spikes and crashes in blood sugar levels, the combination of glucose and fructose in honey provides a steady and sustained release of energy, making it an ideal fuel for athletes during intense training sessions or competitions.

Optimizing Antioxidants:
Not all sugars are created equal, and honey stands out for its rich antioxidant content. Antioxidants play a crucial role in combating oxidative stress and reducing inflammation, which are common occurrences during strenuous exercise. By incorporating honey into their diet, athletes can support their body's natural defense mechanisms and enhance recovery post-workout.

Impact on Metabolic Health:
While honey is primarily known for its sweet taste, its impact on metabolic health should not be overlooked. Studies have shown that consuming honey in moderation can improve lipid metabolism and reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. By promoting a healthy balance of lipids in the body, honey contributes to overall metabolic efficiency, which is essential for athletes striving for peak performance.

Enhanced Fatty Acid Oxidation:
One of the lesser-known benefits of honey is its ability to enhance fatty acid oxidation, a process by which the body breaks down fat molecules to produce energy. Research suggests that honey can stimulate enzymes involved in fatty acid metabolism, thereby increasing the utilization of fat stores as a fuel source during exercise. This not only prolongs endurance but also aids in weight management and body composition.

At the cellular level, honey exerts its metabolic effects by activating key enzymes involved in energy production pathways. The unique composition of honey, including its blend of sugars, vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals, interacts synergistically with cellular receptors and signaling molecules to promote efficient energy metabolism.

While honey offers numerous benefits for athletes, it's essential to emphasize moderation. Like any other food, consuming honey in excess can lead to unwanted weight gain and metabolic imbalances. However, when incorporated as a staple in one's diet in reasonable amounts, honey emerges as a superior source of sugar for fueling athletic performance.

Honey serves as a natural and wholesome energy source for athletes, offering sustained energy, antioxidant support, metabolic benefits, and enhanced fat utilization. By harnessing the power of honey, athletes can optimize their performance and support their overall health and well-being.

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Ashley Conway Ashley Conway

Unlocking Peak Performance with LME Training

CrossFit isn't just about lifting heavy weights or sprinting through intense WODs (Workout of the Day). It's a holistic approach to fitness that demands a blend of strength, speed, agility, and endurance. While many enthusiasts focus on the thrill of pushing themselves to the limit, there's a crucial yet often overlooked component that separates the average from the exceptional: local muscle endurance.

CrossFit isn't just about lifting heavy weights or sprinting through intense WODs (Workout of the Day). It's a holistic approach to fitness that demands a blend of strength, speed, agility, and endurance. While many enthusiasts focus on the thrill of pushing themselves to the limit, there's a crucial yet often overlooked component that separates the average from the exceptional: local muscle endurance.

In the dynamic world of CrossFit, where movements seamlessly blend to maximize power output, local muscle endurance plays a pivotal role. Picture a symphony orchestra, each instrument contributing its unique sound to create a harmonious masterpiece. Similarly, CrossFit movements complement each other, orchestrating a symphony of strength and stamina. However, to truly excel in this sport, athletes must fine-tune their bodies to withstand the relentless demands of high-intensity workouts.

At TTRU Fitness, we understand that achieving peak performance requires more than just pushing through lung-busting WODs. It necessitates deliberate training to enhance stamina in specific muscle groups. One effective strategy involves scaling movements to make them more manageable. Surprisingly, making a movement easier can be the gateway to building greater endurance.

Consider the humble pull-up. While strict pull-ups are a staple in CrossFit, using a band for support can transform the exercise into a potent tool for developing local muscle endurance. By reducing the body's weight, athletes can perform more repetitions, effectively conditioning both muscles and connective tissues. This principle applies to a myriad of movements, from bodyweight exercises to strength training with external loads.

Admittedly, this approach to training may seem counterintuitive to some. The allure of gasping for air and pushing one's limits is ingrained in the CrossFit culture. Yet, the path to mastery often requires stepping outside one's comfort zone. Embracing movement redundancy and the inevitable muscle burn can propel training to unprecedented heights.

At TTRU Fitness, we've tailored our programs to prioritize the development of local muscle endurance. Our All Access program offers a comprehensive roadmap to unleash your full potential. With nine live tracks to choose from daily, you'll find the perfect balance of challenge and progression. Whether you're a seasoned athlete or new to CrossFit, our platform removes the guesswork, guiding you towards optimal performance.

In the pursuit of excellence, specificity is key. Our training programs provide the precise stimulus needed to enhance local muscle endurance, ensuring that every rep counts. With a blend of innovative techniques and time-tested methodologies, we empower athletes to surpass their limits and redefine what's possible.

So, if you're ready to elevate your CrossFit game and unlock unparalleled results, join us at TTRU Fitness. Click the link below for seven days free in our All Access program and embark on a journey towards peak performance. Don't settle for mediocrity when greatness awaits.

Link: TTRU Fitness All Access Program

In the realm of CrossFit, where the pursuit of excellence knows no bounds, local muscle endurance is the secret weapon that separates champions from contenders. Embrace the challenge, push past your limits, and unleash the full potential of your body. The journey to greatness begins now.

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Ashley Conway Ashley Conway

Hinge Proof: Crossfit Open 24.1 Tips

The anticipation is palpable as CrossFit athletes around the globe gear up for the challenge of Workout 24.1 in the CrossFit Games Open. It's a moment that demands not just physical prowess but also mental fortitude and strategic acumen. This workout, with its simple yet devastatingly effective movements, promises to push athletes to their limits, offering an opportunity for triumph or a humbling lesson in perseverance. Let's delve into the mindset and approach that can lead to success in this formidable test of fitness!

The anticipation is palpable as CrossFit athletes around the globe gear up for the challenge of Workout 24.1 in the CrossFit Games Open. It's a moment that demands not just physical prowess but also mental fortitude and strategic acumen. This workout, with its simple yet devastatingly effective movements, promises to push athletes to their limits, offering an opportunity for triumph or a humbling lesson in perseverance. Let's delve into the mindset and approach that can lead to success in this formidable test of fitness!

At first glance, the simplicity of Workout 24.1 might deceive some, but seasoned competitors know better. The combination of burpees and dumbbell snatches is a symphony of efficiency and intensity. The key to mastering this workout lies not in brute force but in understanding where time can be saved most effectively.

For athletes eyeing a sub-7:00 finish, it's crucial to recognize that the majority of the workout will be spent on burpees. These seemingly innocuous movements can make or break your time. Therefore, it's paramount to focus on maintaining a rapid pace while conserving energy where possible. As Denise Thomas wisely advised, strategic rests are far more advantageous than being "forced" into extended periods of fatigue-induced recovery.

When it comes to dumbbell snatches, efficiency is the name of the game. Keeping a relatively high hip to minimize early fatigue and connecting to a steady breath akin to executing a single-arm kettlebell swing can make a significant difference. For those facing a heavier dumbbell load, breaking up the reps early and choosing intentional rest intervals can prevent burnout and ensure sustained performance.

As for the burpees themselves, speed and fluidity are paramount. The ability to explosively spring up from the ground with a rigid form can shave precious seconds off your time. However, it's essential to strike a balance to avoid overtaxing the chest and triceps, especially for those not accustomed to heavy horizontal pressing movements. Alternatives like worming up or stepping up are viable options, but the golden rule remains: keep moving.

Preparing for Workout 24.1 requires a comprehensive warm-up that acknowledges the unique demands of both movements. With their shared emphasis on hinging, adequate attention to warming up the hamstrings, glutes, and lower back is essential. Post-workout recovery should prioritize these areas, incorporating foam rolling and stretching to alleviate tension and promote mobility.

As athletes across the CrossFit community embark on Workout 24.1, the journey towards the 2024 CrossFit Games in Fort Worth, Texas, begins in earnest. For most of you, that doesn’t carry much weight, but you know what does? Finding out what you’re made of. 1 workout for the next 3 weeks you get to lean in, you get to push and you get to explore your headspace in a tremendous physical test. Your mind will tell you that you can’t long before your body will let you down, don’t forget it. GO GET IT!


Warm Up: 

Tissue Prep: 

1:00 foam roll mid to low back

1:00 foam roll glutes

1:00 foam roll hamstrings

1:00 pec stretch each side (arm at 90 degree’s, forearm on rig on wall)

1:00 Couch stretch each side


Dynamic prep: 

1:00 Row

1:00 of:

5 Hip down push up

3 Inch worm

10 Ground to overhead (no weight)

*Alternate between both with a partner

3 rounds


5 Push ups

6 Spiderman

8 Walking straight leg kick

3 rounds 


5 Light DB snatch left

3 No push up burpee

5 Light DB snatch right

3 no push up burpee

2 rounds 


*Once you find your working weight/version for today, execute: 

5 Snatch Right

3 burpee

5 snatch left

3 burpee

2 rounds for time.

Rest a few minutes, then attack! 



21 dumbbell snatches, arm 1

21 lateral burpees over dumbbell

21 dumbbell snatches, arm 2

21 lateral burpees over dumbbell

15 dumbbell snatches, arm 1

15 lateral burpees over dumbbell

15 dumbbell snatches, arm 2

15 lateral burpees over dumbbell

9 dumbbell snatches, arm 1

9 lateral burpees over dumbbell

9 dumbbell snatches, arm 2

9 lateral burpees over dumbbell

50/35lb. DB

*Time Cap 15:00


21 dumbbell snatches, arm 1

21 lateral burpees over dumbbell

21 dumbbell snatches, arm 2

21 lateral burpees over dumbbell

15 dumbbell snatches, arm 1

15 lateral burpees over dumbbell

15 dumbbell snatches, arm 2

15 lateral burpees over dumbbell

9 dumbbell snatches, arm 1

9 lateral burpees over dumbbell

9 dumbbell snatches, arm 2

9 lateral burpees over dumbbell

35/20lb. DB

*Time cap: 15:00


21 dumbbell snatches, arm 1

21 lateral burpees over dumbbell

21 dumbbell snatches, arm 2

21 lateral burpees over dumbbell

15 dumbbell snatches, arm 1

15 lateral burpees over dumbbell

15 dumbbell snatches, arm 2

15 lateral burpees over dumbbell

9 dumbbell snatches, arm 1

9 lateral burpees over dumbbell

9 dumbbell snatches, arm 2

9 lateral burpees over dumbbell

15/10lb. DB

*Time cap: 15:00

Cool Down: 

3-5 minute row or bike + Sit and reach or pancake stretch for 2:00

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Ashley Conway Ashley Conway

Embracing the Mamba Mentality: Lessons from Kobe Bryant

With the recent unveiling of Kobe Bryant’s statue in Los Angeles on my mind, I’ve reflected a lot these past couple weeks on Kobe. Moments in his career, the things I’d hear about him, the things I saw him do and how as a teenager posters of he and Michael Jordan were right beside each other in my bedroom.

With the recent unveiling of Kobe Bryant’s statue in Los Angeles on my mind, I’ve reflected a lot these past couple weeks on Kobe. Moments in his career, the things I’d hear about him, the things I saw him do and how as a teenager posters of he and Michael Jordan were right beside each other in my bedroom. 

Kobe Bryant, a name synonymous with greatness, left an indelible mark on the world not just through his unparalleled skill on the basketball court, but also through his mindset: the Mamba Mentality. This mindset, crafted by Kobe himself, embodies the relentless pursuit of excellence, the unwavering commitment to hard work, and the unyielding belief in one's ability to overcome any obstacle.

At the core of the Mamba Mentality are Kobe's own words, powerful reminders of what it takes to be a true competitor and achieve greatness. One of his most famous quotes, "The most important thing is to try and inspire people so that they can be great in whatever they want to do," encapsulates the essence of his philosophy. Kobe believed in not only pushing himself to the limits but also inspiring others to do the same.

Another iconic quote of his is, "I'll do whatever it takes to win games, whether it's sitting on a bench waving a towel, handing a cup of water to a teammate, or hitting the game-winning shot." This speaks volumes about Kobe's commitment to his team and his willingness to do whatever was necessary to secure victory. It underscores the importance of selflessness and sacrifice in the pursuit of success.

Kobe Bryant's work ethic was legendary, and countless stories abound of his relentless training regimen and dedication to his craft. One such anecdote is the tale of his infamous 4 a.m. workouts. Long before the sun rose, Kobe could be found in the gym, honing his skills and pushing himself to the limit. His commitment to his craft was unwavering, and he demanded nothing less than excellence from himself.

During his playing days, Kobe was known for his meticulous preparation and attention to detail. He would study game tapes for hours on end, looking for any possible advantage over his opponents. This dedication to his craft allowed him to stay one step ahead of the competition and cement his legacy as one of the greatest players of all time.

In the end, the Mamba Mentality is about more than just basketball; it's about approaching life with the same level of intensity and determination. It's about setting ambitious goals, working tirelessly to achieve them, and never backing down in the face of adversity. While the degree to which we apply the Mamba Mentality may vary, its principles remain universal.

Embracing the Mamba Mentality is essential for anyone looking to achieve greatness in life. Whether it's on the basketball court, in the boardroom, or in any other endeavor, the lessons imparted by Kobe Bryant serve as a blueprint for success. By embodying the values of hard work, commitment, and sacrifice, we can all strive to reach new heights and leave a lasting legacy of our own. So let us honor his legacy by embracing the Mamba Mentality and pursuing our dreams with unwavering determination.

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Ashley Conway Ashley Conway

The Battle of Diets: Flexible vs. Strict

Embarking on a journey to improve your health and achieve your fitness goals often involves making changes to your diet. However, the approach you take towards dieting can significantly impact your success and long-term adherence. In the realm of dieting, two popular methodologies stand out: flexible dieting and strict dieting. Let's delve into the nuances of each and explore why flexible dieting might be the key to sustainable progress.

Embarking on a journey to improve your health and achieve your fitness goals often involves making changes to your diet. However, the approach you take towards dieting can significantly impact your success and long-term adherence. In the realm of dieting, two popular methodologies stand out: flexible dieting and strict dieting. Let's delve into the nuances of each and explore why flexible dieting might be the key to sustainable progress.

Flexible dieting, also known as "If It Fits Your Macros" (IIFYM), revolves around tracking and meeting specific macronutrient and calorie targets while allowing flexibility in food selection. On the other hand, strict dieting entails adhering to a predetermined set of food restrictions, often eliminating favorite indulgences and focusing on a limited range of "approved" foods.

The fundamental difference between the two lies in their approach to food freedom and restriction. Flexible dieting acknowledges that food is more than just fuel; it's a source of enjoyment, social connection, and cultural significance. By incorporating a variety of foods into one's diet, including occasional treats or indulgences, flexible dieting offers a sustainable way to achieve nutritional goals without feeling deprived.

In contrast, strict dieting can lead to feelings of deprivation and obsession with "forbidden" foods. The rigid nature of strict diets may initially yield results, but the long-term sustainability is often compromised. As the novelty wears off and cravings intensify, individuals may experience burnout and succumb to binge-eating episodes, undoing their progress and fostering an unhealthy relationship with food.

At TTRU Fitness, we recognize the importance of balance and sustainability in achieving lasting results. Our approach prioritizes individual preferences and lifestyle factors, providing clients with personalized plans and guidelines that accommodate their favorite foods while ensuring they meet their nutritional targets.

By offering a flexible approach to dieting, we empower our clients to make informed choices that align with their goals without feeling restricted or deprived. This freedom in food selection not only enhances compliance but also fosters a positive mindset towards nutrition, promoting long-term adherence and overall well-being.

Moreover, our nutrition coaching services go beyond mere weight loss goals; we equip our clients with the knowledge and skills to navigate real-life scenarios and maintain their progress even after they've achieved their initial objectives. Whether it's managing portions, handling social situations, or overcoming setbacks, our team is dedicated to providing ongoing support and guidance every step of the way.

In conclusion, the battle between flexible and strict dieting ultimately boils down to sustainability and mindset. While strict diets may offer short-term results, they often come at the cost of long-term adherence and overall happiness. On the other hand, flexible dieting promotes a balanced approach to nutrition, allowing individuals to enjoy their favorite foods while still making progress towards their goals. At TTRU Fitness, we're committed to helping you achieve your goals without sacrificing your sanity or food enjoyment.

Need some guidance or support? Apply for 1:1 Nutrition Coaching here!

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Ashley Conway Ashley Conway

A Lighter Open Doesn’t Mean a Better Open

As the CrossFit Open approaches, athletes across the globe gear up for one of the most exhilarating and challenging events in the fitness community. For many, this three-week competition brings a mix of excitement and nerves, pushing participants to their limits both mentally and physically. In the midst of this intensity, the temptation to focus on weight loss can be all too real. However, we advocate for a different approach—one that prioritizes fueling for performance over shedding pounds.

As the CrossFit Open approaches, athletes across the globe gear up for one of the most exhilarating and challenging events in the fitness community. For many, this three-week competition brings a mix of excitement and nerves, pushing participants to their limits both mentally and physically. In the midst of this intensity, the temptation to focus on weight loss can be all too real. However, we advocate for a different approach—one that prioritizes fueling for performance over shedding pounds.

Attempting to navigate a caloric deficit leading up to the Open in pursuit of a lighter physique may seem enticing, especially with the plethora of gymnastics and monostructural movements that often characterize the competition. Yet, this strategy can backfire, jeopardizing both energy levels and performance. Instead, we stand firmly behind the notion that athletes should enter the Open in a maintenance phase, or even a slight surplus, ensuring they are adequately fueled to tackle the challenges ahead.

The desire to lose weight is understandable, particularly when it is perceived to enhance performance. However, true performance gains come from being well-fed and properly nourished. It's essential to recognize that timing is crucial. The months leading up to the Open should be viewed as an opportunity to focus on optimizing performance rather than manipulating body composition.

We propose a shift in mindset, emphasizing the period from November to January as an optimal time for gradual weight loss, allowing for a slow and organic transition while maintaining energy levels for training and recovery. By adopting this approach, athletes can learn to manage their energy more effectively, train optimally, and maximize their overall performance potential.

So, let's be clear: if you're gearing up for the CrossFit Open, prioritize fueling your body with quality foods and leave the deficit for another time of year. Now is the time to nourish yourself to perform at your absolute best. If you're unsure how to approach your nutrition leading up to the Open, we're here to help. Reach out to our team at, and let us support you in achieving your training and nutrition goals.

Remember that the goal of competing in the CrossFit Open is not just to participate but to see what you are capable of! By prioritizing performance over weight loss and ensuring you're adequately fueled, you set yourself up for success on the competition floor. So, fuel up, train hard, and let your performance speak for itself in the upcoming Open season.

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Ashley Conway Ashley Conway

Unlocking the Fountain of Youth

In the pursuit of health and longevity, many of us turn to aerobic activities like running, cycling, or swimming as our primary form of exercise. While these activities certainly offer numerous benefits, they may not be the complete solution to aging gracefully. The truth is, to truly unlock the fountain of youth and maintain independence as we age, we must prioritize building and preserving muscle mass.

In the pursuit of health and longevity, many of us turn to aerobic activities like running, cycling, or swimming as our primary form of exercise. While these activities certainly offer numerous benefits, they may not be the complete solution to aging gracefully. The truth is, to truly unlock the fountain of youth and maintain independence as we age, we must prioritize building and preserving muscle mass.

Throughout our lives, we often focus on cardiovascular fitness, especially after our days of competitive sports or intense school activities have passed. However, as we age, the importance of strength and power becomes increasingly evident. Functional movements that involve lifting heavy loads, moving over long distances quickly, and performing full-range-of-motion exercises are key to staving off decrepitude and maintaining mobility.

Strength training not only helps build muscle mass but also plays a crucial role in preserving bone density, improving joint health, and boosting metabolism. As we age, these benefits become even more valuable in preventing falls, maintaining independence, and warding off chronic diseases.

Nutrition also plays a vital role in building and maintaining muscle mass. Protein, in particular, is essential for muscle repair and growth. Aim to consume at least 0.8 grams of protein per pound of body weight to optimize muscle-building potential. Pairing protein intake with a balanced diet rich in whole foods, fruits, and vegetables further supports overall health and well-being.

At TTRU Fitness, we understand the importance of strength training and proper nutrition in achieving optimal health and longevity. Our programs are designed to prioritize muscle building, fat burning, and improving overall work capacity. Whether your goal is to increase strength, lose body fat, or simply enhance your quality of life, our diverse range of programs can be tailored to meet your needs at any stage of life.

We believe that true fitness extends beyond the number on the scale and instead focuses on the ratio of muscle mass to body weight. By prioritizing strength training and proper nutrition, we can build a foundation for lifelong health and vitality.

So, until the end of our days, let us continue to build, to rise, and to embrace the power of muscle mass as the true fountain of youth. With dedication and perseverance, we can defy the limitations of age and live life to the fullest.

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Ashley Conway Ashley Conway

The Cap On Your Success Is Your Self Perception

Success is a journey that often requires more than just hard work and dedication; it demands a deep understanding and appreciation of oneself. In the pursuit of excellence, confidence emerges as a key player in the game of accomplishments. It is a rare phenomenon to take time and reflect on what makes each individual special, yet this exploration is vital for unlocking the doors to success.

Success is a journey that often requires more than just hard work and dedication; it demands a deep understanding and appreciation of oneself. In the pursuit of excellence, confidence emerges as a key player in the game of accomplishments. It is a rare phenomenon to take time and reflect on what makes each individual special, yet this exploration is vital for unlocking the doors to success.

Every human being is a unique entity, a one-of-a-kind creation with distinctive personality traits, fears, insecurities, and a tapestry of experiences. Equally important, we possess unique strengths of character either innate from birth or cultivated through the passage of time. Confidence stems from recognizing and embracing these distinctive qualities.

Success, in any field, requires a firm understanding of one's own traits that can be harnessed and built upon. It's about acknowledging the individuality that sets you apart and using it as a foundation for growth. While it may be easier to focus on weaknesses or what needs improvement, it is equally crucial to celebrate personal strengths and uniqueness.

The journey to success is not a one-size-fits-all approach. Rather, it is an intricate dance where confidence becomes the music that propels you forward. Without knowing and appreciating what makes you special, navigating this journey becomes a daunting task.

So, what makes you special? It's a question that often goes unexplored in the hustle and bustle of daily life. Take a moment to reflect on your unique qualities, experiences, and strengths. Understand that each person's journey is distinct, and your unique attributes are the driving force behind your success.

Confidence is not arrogance; it is the unwavering belief in your abilities and a deep understanding of your individuality. As you embark on your path to success, let confidence be your guiding light. So, once again, what makes you special? Spend some time reflecting upon it, for in knowing and confidently describing yourself lies the key to reaching the heights you aspire to achieve.

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Ashley Conway Ashley Conway

Navigating the Science of Weight Management: It's More Than Just Good vs. Bad Foods

Weight management often feels like an enigma wrapped in a mystery, especially when bombarded with conflicting advice and misconceptions. Many folks assume that eating automatically equates to packing on pounds, but the truth is, food is the fuel that keeps our bodies running smoothly.

Weight management often feels like an enigma wrapped in a mystery, especially when bombarded with conflicting advice and misconceptions. Many folks assume that eating automatically equates to packing on pounds, but the truth is, food is the fuel that keeps our bodies running smoothly.

When we chow down, our bodies break down food into glucose, a key energy source. Now, this glucose takes three main paths: fueling immediate energy needs (hello, ATP!), replenishing muscle glycogen stores, or being stored as fat for later use. Which route it takes depends on factors like our current energy needs, activity level, and timing of meals.

It's essential to recognize that weight management isn't a simplistic battle of "good foods" versus "bad foods." Sure, opting for nourishing, whole foods straight from nature's pantry is generally a smart move. But demonizing treats like Oreos won't solve the puzzle either. It's about balance and moderation.

Now, let's talk surplus. Eating more calories than your body burns, especially when coupled with a sedentary lifestyle, can lead to weight gain over time. It's like pouring extra fuel into a car without driving it—the tank overflows, and so does your waistline.

But here's the kicker: labeling foods as "bad" often backfires. People may restrict themselves, leading to intense cravings and eventual binge eating. Suddenly, that calorie-packed snack becomes irresistible, and before you know it, you've overdosed on Oreos. It's a vicious cycle that ultimately sabotages weight management efforts.

So, what's the solution? It's not about deprivation or extremes. Instead, focus on balanced meals that include a mix of protein, carbs, and healthy fats. Protein, in particular, deserves the spotlight for its role in promoting satiety and preserving muscle mass, crucial for a healthy metabolism.

Consistency is key, too. Aim to eat at regular intervals throughout the day to keep energy levels stable and prevent ravenous hunger that can lead to overeating. And remember, starving your body isn't the answer. It only sets you up for a rebound effect, where your metabolism slows down to conserve energy, making weight loss even more challenging.

In a nutshell, weight management isn't a one-size-fits-all equation. It's a complex interplay of biology, behavior, and environment. By ditching the "good versus bad" mentality and embracing balance, moderation, and nourishment, you can find your path to a healthier, happier you. So go ahead, savor that occasional treat guilt-free, nourish your body with wholesome foods, and remember, it's not just what you eat, but how you eat that matters.

Do you need help navigating weight loss or nutrition goals? Let us help you!

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Ashley Conway Ashley Conway

Building Real Confidence

Confidence is not an inherent trait; it's a skill cultivated through a deliberate process of self-discovery, training, and perseverance. Whether in sports, life, or personal missions, genuine confidence is earned through disciplined efforts and overcoming challenges. This journey toward self-assurance involves training, experiences, past successes, and unwavering perseverance, forming the foundation of true confidence.

Confidence is not an inherent trait; it's a skill cultivated through a deliberate process of self-discovery, training, and perseverance. Whether in sports, life, or personal missions, genuine confidence is earned through disciplined efforts and overcoming challenges. This journey toward self-assurance involves training, experiences, past successes, and unwavering perseverance, forming the foundation of true confidence.

One crucial aspect of building confidence is through consistent training. Athletes, professionals, and individuals alike understand that practice is not just about perfecting a skill but also about building trust in oneself. It's in those hours of dedication and repetitive drills that the mind and body sync, creating a harmonious relationship where you start believing in your abilities.

Experiences, both positive and negative, contribute significantly to confidence. Every success and failure leaves behind valuable lessons that shape one's understanding of their capabilities. Embracing past achievements builds a reservoir of self-assurance, proving that you have conquered challenges before and can do so again. Similarly, setbacks are opportunities for growth, teaching resilience and strengthening the resolve to rise above adversity.

Perseverance is the backbone of genuine confidence. It's the tenacity to push through when faced with obstacles, the determination to keep going when the finish line seems distant. Perseverance is not just about enduring; it's about learning, adapting, and evolving. The confidence that stems from perseverance is robust, rooted in the understanding that you can weather storms and emerge stronger on the other side.

However, building true confidence is not only about what you do but also about what you don't do. It requires discipline – the ability to train even when you don't feel like it, to face challenges head-on, and to engage in activities that push your limits. Trust in oneself is easily eroded when discipline wavers. Skipping training sessions, avoiding hard tasks, or refusing to confront fears may provide short-term relief but hinders the long-term development of genuine confidence.

The distinction between confidence and arrogance lies in their foundations. Confidence is earned through hard work, humility, and an acknowledgment of both strengths and weaknesses. Arrogance, on the other hand, stems from an inflated sense of self-importance, often masking insecurities. True confidence is quiet, firm, and based on a realistic assessment of one's abilities.

Self-discipline, focus, and daily effort are the cornerstones of building real confidence. They create a consistent rhythm that propels individuals forward, even when faced with uncertainty. Discipline is not just about adhering to a strict routine; it's about making choices that align with long-term goals. Focus ensures that efforts are concentrated and purposeful, maximizing the impact of each endeavor. Daily effort, no matter how small, accumulates over time, creating a solid foundation of competence and self-trust.

In conclusion, genuine confidence is a journey that unfolds through training, experiences, successes, and perseverance. It is earned through disciplined actions, facing challenges, and consistently putting in the effort. The distinction between confidence and arrogance lies in the authenticity of one's self-perception. Building true confidence is a conscious effort that requires self-discipline, focus, and a commitment to daily improvement. Whether in the realm of sports, life, or personal missions, the path to true confidence is a transformative journey within oneself.

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Ashley Conway Ashley Conway

Money Matters in Your Health Outcomes

In life we allocate our resources and often paint a vivid portrait of our priorities. Time and again, the correlation between where we invest our money, attention and focus we devote becomes unmistakably clear.

In life we allocate our resources and often paint a vivid portrait of our priorities. Time and again, the correlation between where we invest our money, attention and focus we devote becomes unmistakably clear.

Consider the entrepreneur who diligently channels their funds into their fledgling business. Every dollar is a strategic choice, an unwavering commitment to nurturing their venture to success! It's not merely the financial investment; it's dedication to learning, adapting, and evolving—the persistent effort mirroring the allocated resources.

Similarly, take the committed student investing in education. Their tuition fees are more than currency exchanged; they symbolize an investment in knowledge, a belief in their potential. Their dedication extends beyond the classroom—late-night study sessions, exhaustive research, and tireless perseverance embody their commitment.

But what about personal health and fitness goals? Why should they be any different?

Imagine channeling your resources, not just monetarily but also in terms of commitment and focus, towards your well-being. This is where the undeniable importance of investing in coaching for your health and fitness becomes apparent.

A health and fitness coach is more than a guide; they're a beacon of support, a custodian of your aspirations. They bring expertise honed through experience and education, offering tailored strategies aligned with your goals. Their guidance doesn't merely revolve around exercises or meal plans; it extends to mindset, habit formation, and consistent support.

When you invest in a health and fitness coach, you're not just exchanging money; you're prioritizing your well-being. You're committing to a journey under the tutelage of someone dedicated to seeing you succeed. The accountability, personalized guidance, and continuous support foster an environment primed for achievement.

In essence, much like any other investment in life, where you put your focus and resources in health and fitness profoundly impacts the results you yield. A coach doesn’t just enhance your workouts or nutrition; they optimize your entire approach, ensuring you not only reach but exceed your goals. They become your ally in the pursuit of a healthier, stronger, and happier you. So, investing in coaching for your health and fitness goals isn’t just a financial choice; it’s a commitment to your best self.

With all of that, we are here to help you. Sign up for a call today to find out more about 1:1 Coaching and changing your life forever. Or click the link below to sign up for RISE45 and begin a 45 day transformational experience with us and our coaching staff! 


1:1 Coaching Call:

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Ashley Conway Ashley Conway

Embracing Change: Rise45 Challenge for Transformative Habits

In the pursuit of optimal health and wellness, establishing and maintaining daily habits play a pivotal role. The Rise45 challenge offers a structured 45-day journey to cultivate transformative habits that encompass hydration, nutrition, fitness, mental enrichment, activity, and sleep. By integrating these habits into daily life, participants not only experience immediate benefits but pave the way for sustainable lifestyle changes.

In the pursuit of optimal health and wellness, establishing and maintaining daily habits play a pivotal role. The Rise45 challenge offers a structured 45-day journey to cultivate transformative habits that encompass hydration, nutrition, fitness, mental enrichment, activity, and sleep. By integrating these habits into daily life, participants not only experience immediate benefits but pave the way for sustainable lifestyle changes.

Hydration stands as the cornerstone of this challenge, emphasizing the intake of at least 100oz of water daily. Adequate hydration is fundamental for bodily functions, aiding digestion, circulation, and temperature regulation. By committing to this daily target, participants foster a habit that reaps long-term benefits for their overall health.

The meticulous tracking of macronutrients aligns with individual goals or coach-assigned plans, acknowledging the significance of a balanced diet. Macronutrients—carbohydrates, proteins, and fats—provide the body with essential energy and support various bodily functions. This habit fosters a mindful approach to nutrition, ensuring that every meal contributes positively to one's well-being.

Exercise, another crucial aspect of the Rise45 challenge, promotes physical strength and mental resilience. With a daily workout activity, participants engage in consistent physical movement, boosting cardiovascular health, muscle strength, and overall vitality.

The incorporation of daily enrichment activities, whether through prayer, meditation, or reading, nurtures mental well-being. This habit fosters mindfulness, reducing stress levels and enhancing focus and clarity in daily life.

The target of walking 7,500 or more steps each day encourages consistent physical activity. Walking is an accessible and effective exercise that not only contributes to meeting daily activity goals but also enhances cardiovascular health and mental rejuvenation.

The emphasis on consuming a minimum of 500 grams of fruits and vegetables underscores the importance of a plant-rich diet. Fruits and vegetables are powerhouses of nutrients, providing essential vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber that are crucial for optimal health.

Moreover, prioritizing a minimum of 7 hours of sleep acknowledges the restorative power of adequate rest. Quality sleep supports cognitive function, mood regulation, and overall well-being.

The beauty of the 45-day duration lies in its potential to transform these practices into ingrained habits. Research suggests that habits can solidify within this timeframe, becoming integrated into one's lifestyle. By consistently practicing these habits over 45 days, participants pave the way for these behaviors to become their "new normals."

Optimal health isn't about perfection; it's about finding sustainable habits that align with individual lifestyles. The Rise45 challenge acknowledges this by encouraging participants to incorporate these practices most of the time, fostering a realistic approach to well-being.

In conclusion, the Rise45 challenge offers a structured and holistic approach to cultivating transformative habits. By embracing these habits over 45 days, participants not only experience immediate benefits but pave the way for lasting lifestyle changes, fostering a healthier, more vibrant life.

Join us for this Rise45 Challenge that starts January 1st!

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Ashley Conway Ashley Conway

The Real Food Revolution: Embracing Balance and Breaking Sweet Myths

In a world where our relationship with food oscillates between embracing the wholesome and demonizing the artificial, finding the right balance becomes crucial. The significance of consuming whole, real foods is undeniable, yet the vilification of artificial sweeteners often leads to unnecessary fear and misinformation.

In a world where our relationship with food oscillates between embracing the wholesome and demonizing the artificial, finding the right balance becomes crucial. The significance of consuming whole, real foods is undeniable, yet the vilification of artificial sweeteners often leads to unnecessary fear and misinformation.

Whole, real foods form the cornerstone of a nourishing diet. Vegetables, fruits, whole grains, lean proteins – these powerhouses provide essential nutrients, fiber, and antioxidants, nurturing our bodies and promoting overall well-being. They offer sustained energy, support weight management, and contribute to a robust immune system.

Embracing a lifestyle centered on these nutrient-dense options provides vitality and longevity. However, it’s equally essential to acknowledge the role of moderation and flexibility in maintaining a sustainable and enjoyable relationship with food. No one wants to be forced into 100% compliance or whole sale elimination of treats and FUN the rest of their life! 

Within the nutrition space and all the buzz about healthy eating, artificial sweeteners often face an unwarranted backlash. Misconceptions about their alleged harmful effects have been highlighted through hearsay and exaggerated claims. However, scientific evidence largely debunks these myths.

Contrary to popular belief, extensive studies have failed to establish a clear link between moderate artificial sweetener consumption and adverse health effects in humans. When used in moderation, these sweeteners can offer a viable alternative to sugar, aiding in weight management and blood sugar control for individuals with diabetes.

The vilification of artificial sweeteners stems from a dogmatic approach towards food. Fear-based narratives often overshadow the nuanced reality. Understanding that moderation is key allows us to break free from rigid beliefs and embrace a more balanced perspective. I will bring up that we work with nutrition clients who are dependent upon sugar and sweeteners, we do have serious conversations with them about breaking free from the addiction and allowing them to prove to themselves they can go without. While we do want balance and moderation, we also never want to enable a client to say or feel as though they “need” a particular food in their life.

By recognizing that occasional indulgences can coexist with a predominantly whole, real food-based diet, we empower ourselves to make sustainable choices. It’s about fostering a mindset that prioritizes nourishment without completely shunning occasional treats or guilty pleasures.

Finding Balance
Imagine a week with 35 meals (5 meals a day or 3 normal meals and 2 snacks for most people). By choosing whole, real foods for 32 of those meals, you’re already at a remarkable 91% adherence to a clean, healthy diet. Allowing yourself the freedom to enjoy your favorite treats in the remaining three meals doesn’t undermine your progress. Instead, it signifies a healthy balance that supports both physical and mental well-being. You could have 3 meals a week that provide you a break, a reward and keep this ratio for years and years and perhaps a lifetime and still trend toward leaner body mass, increased performances and decreased body fat as well as increased health markers! 

The essence of a healthy lifestyle doesn’t lie in strict adherence but in finding harmony between real, wholesome foods and occasional indulgences. Dispelling the myths surrounding artificial sweeteners and embracing a balanced approach enables us to make informed choices that propel our health forward without sacrificing the joy of eating.

Let’s redefine our relationship with food, recognizing that moderation, informed decisions, and a focus on predominantly whole, real foods are the pillars of a sustainable and fulfilling dietary journey.

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Ashley Conway Ashley Conway

Is Food Healthy or Unhealthy?

In the realm of nutrition, the term "healthy" often carries a weighty connotation. It's easy to fall into the trap of assuming that foods labeled as "healthy" are always the best choice. Yet, a crucial facet of a balanced diet often gets overlooked in this pursuit: moderation and overall balance.

In the realm of nutrition, the term "healthy" often carries a weighty connotation. It's easy to fall into the trap of assuming that foods labeled as "healthy" are always the best choice. Yet, a crucial facet of a balanced diet often gets overlooked in this pursuit: moderation and overall balance.

When a food item boasts a "healthy" tag, it doesn't grant us a free pass to indulge limitlessly. Similarly, foods labeled as "unhealthy" shouldn't necessarily be banished entirely from our plates. The key lies in understanding that proper nutrition revolves around equilibrium—balancing the intake of calories to meet our body's needs while not compromising on essential nutrients.

Managing our energy intake, whether it's for maintenance, shedding excess fat, or building muscle, requires a conscious awareness of what and how much we consume. However, equally significant is ensuring the intake of micronutrients, which are vital for overall health and well-being.

Prioritizing nutrient-dense foods forms the cornerstone of a balanced diet. Incorporating these into our meals not only optimizes our health but also aids in achieving our desired body composition goals. Starting with an emphasis on the quality of foods rather than fixating solely on quantities can be a more accessible entry point into healthier eating habits.

Begin by embracing whole foods—vegetables, fruits, lean proteins, and healthy fats—as staples in your diet. Gradually, as these choices become ingrained habits, fine-tune portion sizes and caloric intake to align with your individual goals. This approach not only simplifies the process but also fosters a sustainable way of eating that doesn't rely solely on strict calorie counting or meticulous measurement.

In essence, the "healthy" label isn't a carte blanche for unrestricted consumption, nor should "unhealthy" tags deem foods entirely off-limits. Optimal nutrition stems from a balanced combination of mindful eating, quality food choices, and a nuanced understanding of our body's needs. Strive for a harmonious blend of nutrient-rich foods while being mindful of quantities, and you'll pave the way for a sustainable and fulfilling approach to nutrition and overall well-being.

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