Hinge Proof: Crossfit Open 24.1 Tips

The anticipation is palpable as CrossFit athletes around the globe gear up for the challenge of Workout 24.1 in the CrossFit Games Open. It's a moment that demands not just physical prowess but also mental fortitude and strategic acumen. This workout, with its simple yet devastatingly effective movements, promises to push athletes to their limits, offering an opportunity for triumph or a humbling lesson in perseverance. Let's delve into the mindset and approach that can lead to success in this formidable test of fitness!

At first glance, the simplicity of Workout 24.1 might deceive some, but seasoned competitors know better. The combination of burpees and dumbbell snatches is a symphony of efficiency and intensity. The key to mastering this workout lies not in brute force but in understanding where time can be saved most effectively.

For athletes eyeing a sub-7:00 finish, it's crucial to recognize that the majority of the workout will be spent on burpees. These seemingly innocuous movements can make or break your time. Therefore, it's paramount to focus on maintaining a rapid pace while conserving energy where possible. As Denise Thomas wisely advised, strategic rests are far more advantageous than being "forced" into extended periods of fatigue-induced recovery.

When it comes to dumbbell snatches, efficiency is the name of the game. Keeping a relatively high hip to minimize early fatigue and connecting to a steady breath akin to executing a single-arm kettlebell swing can make a significant difference. For those facing a heavier dumbbell load, breaking up the reps early and choosing intentional rest intervals can prevent burnout and ensure sustained performance.

As for the burpees themselves, speed and fluidity are paramount. The ability to explosively spring up from the ground with a rigid form can shave precious seconds off your time. However, it's essential to strike a balance to avoid overtaxing the chest and triceps, especially for those not accustomed to heavy horizontal pressing movements. Alternatives like worming up or stepping up are viable options, but the golden rule remains: keep moving.

Preparing for Workout 24.1 requires a comprehensive warm-up that acknowledges the unique demands of both movements. With their shared emphasis on hinging, adequate attention to warming up the hamstrings, glutes, and lower back is essential. Post-workout recovery should prioritize these areas, incorporating foam rolling and stretching to alleviate tension and promote mobility.

As athletes across the CrossFit community embark on Workout 24.1, the journey towards the 2024 CrossFit Games in Fort Worth, Texas, begins in earnest. For most of you, that doesn’t carry much weight, but you know what does? Finding out what you’re made of. 1 workout for the next 3 weeks you get to lean in, you get to push and you get to explore your headspace in a tremendous physical test. Your mind will tell you that you can’t long before your body will let you down, don’t forget it. GO GET IT!


Warm Up: 

Tissue Prep: 

1:00 foam roll mid to low back

1:00 foam roll glutes

1:00 foam roll hamstrings

1:00 pec stretch each side (arm at 90 degree’s, forearm on rig on wall)

1:00 Couch stretch each side


Dynamic prep: 

1:00 Row

1:00 of:

5 Hip down push up

3 Inch worm

10 Ground to overhead (no weight)

*Alternate between both with a partner

3 rounds


5 Push ups

6 Spiderman

8 Walking straight leg kick

3 rounds 


5 Light DB snatch left

3 No push up burpee

5 Light DB snatch right

3 no push up burpee

2 rounds 


*Once you find your working weight/version for today, execute: 

5 Snatch Right

3 burpee

5 snatch left

3 burpee

2 rounds for time.

Rest a few minutes, then attack! 



21 dumbbell snatches, arm 1

21 lateral burpees over dumbbell

21 dumbbell snatches, arm 2

21 lateral burpees over dumbbell

15 dumbbell snatches, arm 1

15 lateral burpees over dumbbell

15 dumbbell snatches, arm 2

15 lateral burpees over dumbbell

9 dumbbell snatches, arm 1

9 lateral burpees over dumbbell

9 dumbbell snatches, arm 2

9 lateral burpees over dumbbell

50/35lb. DB

*Time Cap 15:00


21 dumbbell snatches, arm 1

21 lateral burpees over dumbbell

21 dumbbell snatches, arm 2

21 lateral burpees over dumbbell

15 dumbbell snatches, arm 1

15 lateral burpees over dumbbell

15 dumbbell snatches, arm 2

15 lateral burpees over dumbbell

9 dumbbell snatches, arm 1

9 lateral burpees over dumbbell

9 dumbbell snatches, arm 2

9 lateral burpees over dumbbell

35/20lb. DB

*Time cap: 15:00


21 dumbbell snatches, arm 1

21 lateral burpees over dumbbell

21 dumbbell snatches, arm 2

21 lateral burpees over dumbbell

15 dumbbell snatches, arm 1

15 lateral burpees over dumbbell

15 dumbbell snatches, arm 2

15 lateral burpees over dumbbell

9 dumbbell snatches, arm 1

9 lateral burpees over dumbbell

9 dumbbell snatches, arm 2

9 lateral burpees over dumbbell

15/10lb. DB

*Time cap: 15:00

Cool Down: 

3-5 minute row or bike + Sit and reach or pancake stretch for 2:00


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