TTRU Nutrition

Your relationship with food is uniquely your own. We believe that true transformation takes 1:1 analysis, communication and programming. We want to understand you, challenge you, educate you and empower you to get everything you desire–which includes your relationship with food as fuel.

Our Philosophy

To effectively lose weight, your first step should rarely, if ever, be to jump into a caloric deficit. We are not fans of crash diets and expediting time and health in order to be "x" pounds lighter by "y" date. Is it possible? Yes. Can almost anyone coach you to lose weight? Yes. But we aren't anyone and we want you to lose weight and keep it off. We want to help you optimize your body in what it can do, how it looks and how it feels. We want to help you change your life and the lives of those you regularly cook for or influence. This journey is about much more than food to us at TTRU.

“I’m here to tell you anyone can have sustainable success with nutrition. And I’m here to say it will take time and mistakes. But you must invest in yourself. You will not do it alone if you haven’t been able to do it alone yet.”

— Adrian Conway

The TTRU Approach

Prime: We understand that most people need time to consume the appropriate amount of calories to optimize their metabolism and their hormone balance. If you have been on many diets in the past or struggle with trying to lose weight already being in a slight deficit, we need to get you to your body’s homeostatic point. This involves looking at and tracking what you currently consume, overall stress levels, etc.

Accelerate: After we appropriately optimize your metabolism and hormones, we are able to accelerate you towards fat loss. There are different approaches we can deploy in order to help you achieve this goal dependent upon your lifestyle, age, training choice, activity level and external life stressors. Yes, this is different for everyone on how this caloric deficit looks and how success can be achieved.

Sustain Stage 1: This is when we help you achieve a new normal for calories and lifestyle at your new body weight. This takes time and patience to establish new settling points and this is where most people fail. Have you lost weight before but then gained it all back? This is where you lost the battle and this is where we help you understand and apply what it takes to keep the results we created.

Sustain Stage 2: Real life and real talk. We want you to want us, but we don't want you to need us forever. Our job as your coaches is to educate and empower you so that you can do this journey alone one day. Sustain stage 2 is where we help you understand what it will look like on your own without us there daily/weekly to help you fight these battles toward a happier and healthier you.


Apply for our 1:1 Nutrition Coaching today!