Train for results.

Programs designed for YOU.


TTRU 1:1 Coaching

We designed TTRU 1:1 to individually serve you to reach your desired outcomes, whatever they may be. Whether you hope to get in the best shape of your life, lose body fat, gain muscle or be one of the most elite performers in the world, this program is for you.

TTRU Competitor Elite

Looking for 1:1 Coaching, but can’t make the full investment right now? Enter TTRU Competitor Elite, our template training program that gives you many of the benefits of 1:1 coaching–at a more affordable price.

TTRU Nutrition Coaching

Your relationship with food is uniquely your own. We believe that true transformation takes 1:1 analysis, communication and programming. We want to understand you, challenge you, educate you and empower you to get everything you desire–which includes your relationship with food as fuel.

TTRU All Access

Access to all 6 specific programs designed for you and your goals. Whether you are chasing performance, aesthetics, or endurance gains, we've got a program for you: TTRU Competitor, TTRU Aesthetics, TTRU Strength, TTRU Endurance, TTRU60, and TTRU30. All Access gives you the chance to piece together the perfect training week no matter how you feel or what your current goals are.


Everything you need in one subscription. Train like an athlete, train from home, or train for aesthetics. The everyday athlete package is meant to suit the needs of everyone that wants to look good naked, move well and have fun!

TTRU Aesthetics

Look great, feel great, forge your frame for a year-round beach season. Added focus on upper body #gainz while bringing the best out of your body. Build the body of your dreams. 60-80 minutes daily training.


TTRU Endurance

Turn up the volume on your capacity using a rower, ski erg, bike or your own two legs. Speed and Aerobic base versions available. 3 days per week.

TTRU Strength

Raw strength and power by way of Olympic lifts, power lifts, power conditioning, and a little bit of bodybuilding work to keep it nasty. 60 minutes of daily training.

6 Weeks to a Bigger Bench Press

This is a 6 week bench press progression. The workouts include 3 upper body training sessions per week that have a variety of primary and accessory movements. Each week includes a varied max of some kind of bench press with one day being an emphasis on speed development. Let's get you a new 1 rep max bench press!